2025-2030 Strategic Plan
Praise the Lord with us as September of 2025 will mark 30 years since opening the doors of Rockbridge Academy!
This anniversary year comes at an exciting time of growth and impact for our school. In September of 2024, God blessed us with the largest enrollment of families seen to date at Rockbridge Academy. At the end of 2024, we celebrated an incredible year-end campaign for the Annual Fund, and in January of 2025, we witnessed the launch of our most robust parent volunteer and support organization to date, Scots Community Trellis. More exciting developments are in the works, and we look forward to communicating what the Lord is doing at Rockbridge Academy as we celebrate Life Together in 2025.
If the last five years have been about establishing ourselves on a new campus and putting a pandemic in our rear-view mirror, the next five years will be about realizing the potential of a full school and preparing to bring classical Christian education to more families. The forward momentum we now enjoy requires that we revisit our founding mission and fortify Rockbridge Academy to lead the expanding call for classical Christian education in our area. With determination to remain distinctively classical and unwaveringly Christian, and with a passion to effectively steward the fullness of our history, the strength of our curriculum, and the potential of our campus for the kingdom of God, the Rockbridge Academy board recently approved the next 5-year Strategic Plan as an outline to guide the school through the end of the decade. We invite you to explore the goals of the next 5-year Strategic Plan for Rockbridge Academy and pray for the Lord to powerfully lead Rockbridge Academy as an institution that is Distinctive, Unwavering, and Full! Click on the image below to see the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan in flipbook form: