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Great Is Thy Faithfulness....A Constant Refrain

September 05, 2024
By Mr. Roy Griffith, Headmaster

Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed. His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Thy Faithfulness! 
Lamentations 3:22-23

Nine years ago, September 2015, the Lord dropped me into the headmaster role at Rockbridge Academy. That first day of school happened to mark the school’s twentieth anniversary. I had been privileged to be a curious by-stander when Rockbridge Academy began as a start-up with only 23 students in 1995. When the Lord navigated me onto the faculty a couple of years later, I took my place among countless folks who have, through the years, labored at this school with the belief that God is doing something inconspicuous but mighty in this small corner of His kingdom. 

I look back now as we approach 450 students and celebrate some 425 alumni from graduating classes spread out over more than two decades and can testify yet again that it is only by God's faithfulness that the doors have opened each day since the very beginning. Only by God’s faithfulness has Christ remained the central focus of our education and discipleship of children, and by His faithfulness, alumni are bringing the lordship of Christ joyfully into their families, their churches, their communities, and their workplaces. 

Though I could point to recent enrollment growth, a history of terrific faculty, the Belvoir property story, or the campus we now inhabit on Evergreen Road as mile markers of God's faithfulness, I think it is the people, continually transformed by the Gospel, that represent God's faithfulness most clearly. Each precious soul that has been part of this community leaves an eternal testimony proclaiming that we have a faithful God. 

When we consider the founders, former faculty, and past administration, and even so many people recently who have gone on to glory, the names are simply too many to list. But it is God who used each one to leave an indelible mark, not merely on the institution of Rockbridge Academy, but more importantly, on His kingdom. The current generation, therefore, is simply the next reverberation of God being God, providing a community that remains unwaveringly about Jesus transforming lives through academics and culture. It is the people—imperfect though we may be until heaven—that continue to be the trophy of God's faithfulness and glory at Rockbridge Academy.

As this September turns to autumn, and the holidays then usher us into 2025, we will turn our attention once again to planning some serious celebration in gratitude. The Rockbridge Academy that will open its doors, Lord willing, a year from now in September of 2025 will officially mark its thirtieth anniversary, and we want that school year to be memorable. There will be celebrations, times to gather old and new folks together, and of course lots of remembering. Remembering is a rehearsal of His faithfulness, and as such, an act of worship.

Remembering is a rehearsal of His faithfulness, and as such, an act of worship.

We want to remember the fact that our school began as an idea the Lord planted in the heart of one couple who, after stumbling upon a book about classical Christian education, could not get this idea of a gospel-saturated, thought-captivating education for their children out of their heads. Gathering a small group of friends, those first board members laid their time, prayers, and credit cards on a kitchen table, expecting, in faith, that God would grow something from the vision He had planted in their hearts.

We want to remember those first teachers…three young women who loved the Lord and loved the prospect of shepherding children; who desired to see their students take every thought captive for Christ.  This was not without risk. At times that first year, they were unsure there would be a paycheck in their box at the end of the month.  

We want to remember those first parents who caught the vision of a thoroughgoing discipleship of children, who signed up their kids for a tiny school that made big promises but, as of yet, had no track record, no traditions, no athletic program, and no students past third grade… therefore no dual college credit program, no graduating classes, and no impressive college acceptances.

We want to remember the generous giving of donors, and a community determined to fund a home on Evergreen Road, not only for their children, but for future generations. And even today in 2024, we both look back and reach forward, giving generously to see the flourishing of a program that has become a haven for Christian families in a greater culture sorely needing reformation. 

In the coming season, we will ready ourselves to remember 30 years-worth of faculty, staff, and administrators, many come and gone, students and families who have moved in and out of the community, grandparents pouring out gifts and prayers, as well as past history parades, Christmas concerts, soccer and lacrosse seasons, sports finales, musicals and soirées, graduations and Grand Tours. At thirty years in 2025, we look forward to glorying in how the Lord, ever faithful, has used young and old faces for long and short seasons to accomplish a remarkable vision, despite our inevitable failings.  His vision. His gospel. His school. His ongoing accomplishments by His faithfulness. 

Posted in School Culture

The History of Oral Exams at Rockbridge Academy

January 28, 2021
By Olivia Reardon, 11th Grade Student

“It’s a historical method on how to examine someone and their rhetoric.  It’s all about being articulate, thinking on your feet, putting together your thoughts, integrating your subjects, and expressing your world view.”  That’s how Rockbridge’s Headmaster, Roy Griffith, described Rockbridge Academy’s oral examinations.  These graded conversations between two teachers and a student are Rockbridge’s unique version of midterms.  Every rhetoric student is assigned a fifty-minute slot in which they verbally answer questions about any material from across the subjects they have studied that year.  Exams are most successful when students integrate information from multiple subjects in their answer while weaving in their Christian worldview.  Thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of the Rockbridge Academy staff, oral exams became a tradition that has been benefiting our rhetoric students for years.

Back in 2007, the Rockbridge staff was struggling with the idea of exams.  Midterms and finals felt like time consuming disruptions to learning, but the students' understanding of the material still needed to be assessed.   Mike McKenna, Rockbridge’s Headmaster from 2000-2015, said, “We started by asking the question, "Why?"  Why midterms and final exams?  Do we have to do it the same old way that everybody does it?”  It turns out, the answer is no.  McKenna said, “We wanted to think outside the box to come up with a way to assess the students' understanding of what they were learning, but we also wanted to do it in a way that was in accordance with a classical model.”  Ralph Janikowski, who was Rockbridge’s upper school principal from 2005-2016, came up with the solution that fit all of these criteria: oral exams.  

The oral exams concept put Rockbridge into relatively uncharted territories in the world of high school.  As far as Rockbridge knew, no one else—not even other classical Christian schools—were doing something like this.  Rockbridge made oral exams more casual than typical midterms by encouraging students to take the conversation in the direction of a subject matter that interests them and to articulate the thought process behind what they are learning and why it is significant rather than asking obscure questions or simply getting the student to parrot information they have memorized.  Heidi Stevens, a retired Rockbridge art teacher who was on staff at Rockbridge for twenty years, said that orals were originally meant to be something you could do without having to study; if you paid attention and participated in class you would be fine. 

McKenna said, “I always wanted the students to feel like they were having a dinnertime conversation with Uncle Mike about what they were learning at school.”  Despite this, the students are understandably intimidated in their first year of exams.  But it seems that as the years progress, the students become more and more comfortable.  Each sophomore class is almost always nervous, but juniors are usually a bit more comfortable, and seniors tend to enjoy the experience.  Oral exams are actually more convenient for students because, “rather than taking an hour written exam in each subject over the course of a day or two, now they [have] a fifty-minute conversation with their teachers.  And then they [are] allowed to spend the rest of the day getting some solid work done on their thesis papers,” said McKenna.  Oral exams ended up being exactly what Rockbridge rhetoric students needed, in so many ways. 

Fast forward fourteen years, and oral exams are still going strong, much in the same manner that they began.  Two teachers still act as interlocutors, terrifying sophomores and exciting seniors for their fifty-minute graded conversation.  Through the years of doing oral exams, the benefits this unique test offers have become apparent.  The testing method itself gives the student more freedom to express themselves and what they believe.  McKenna put it this way: “If I talk to you about your view of mathematics I can see whether you understand it from a biblical perspective or not.  But, if I put a trigonometric equation in front of you and ask you to solve it, you could be a Secularist or a Christian and still solve that problem. I won’t understand your worldview.”  Having a worldview and being able to winsomely express it is an important part of Rockbridge’s education.  

In a blurb about oral exams in the 2007-2008 Rockbridge Yearbook, former Rockbridge teacher Donna Duarte said, “‘Orals are an appropriate form of evaluating a rhetoric student’s progress, and the goal is to indicate how the student is progressing toward an integrated biblical worldview.’”  

Oral exams also provide students with ample future benefits.  Nathan Griffith, Rockbridge teacher and former Rockbridge student, said, “Orals are preparing you to have a long conversation about topics you may not be comfortable talking about,” and also that “it’s a great opportunity to get comfortable talking to someone in authority over you.”  Being able to think through difficult questions as well as verbally articulate answers are valuable life skills.  

Emma Williams, Rockbridge eleventh grader, said, “I can just picture myself being really nervous for an interview or something, but now I will be much more confident having done orals.”  Oral examinations fit perfectly into the rhetoric years as they test both knowledge and oratory skills, allowing a student to weave together what they have learned with their worldview.  Oral exams are the optimal midterms for Rockbridge Academy because the integration that naturally occurs demonstrates that a classical education is a Christ-centered education. 

Olivia Reardon, ‘22, loves to write and can usually be found reading a good book.  She is part of a dance company and enjoys spending time with friends and eating ice cream.

Posted in Upper School
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