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  • Thanks to our amazing, supportive community, we have been ranked #1 at as the best Christian high school in Anne Arundel County (and #8 in the state). We are grateful for our amazing teachers and staff who love God and point students to Christ. There is so much more to our school than test scores and college acceptances. Our vision for our graduates remains Christ-centered. Our mission remains to provide a distinctively classical and unwaveringly Christian education, encouraging the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty in all of life. Read our vision statement here and visit us to discover classical Christian education. 

  • Do you know the story of how Rockbridge Academy first got started in 1995? As we approach our 30th anniversary, read here about how it all began. God delights in small beginnings and in taking our small acts of faith and pouring out His blessings. It is good to remind ourselves of our humble beginnings to the praise and glory of God. Thanks be to God for the pioneering families who sacrified so much to start our school. May the Lord keep our eyes centered on Him as we look toward 30 years as a school...and beyond. Be encoouraged by the steps of faith these founding families took for the school and community our children get to call home. 

  • Sometimes the college decisions that are made in the senior year of high school result in everything seemingly coming together just right. Sometimes those decisions are wrought with questions and challenges come freshman year. Sarah Soltis shares what she learned as she transferred from William and Mary. Her lessons of surrender and trust are applicable to each of us. Read her post here.

  • Congratulations to the Rockbridge Academy Mock Trial team who finished 2nd in the Maryland State Mock Trial Competition out of 141 schools. Their final competition was held at the Maryland Supreme Court with the Chief Justice Fader presiding. Their grace, poise, confident arguments, and sportsmanship were a testimony to all. Thanks be to God!  


    Since 1995, we have been training teachers in classical Christian education. Join us this July 16-19, 2024, along with teachers and administrators from all over the country for a time of encouragement, equipping, and preparation. 

  • Rockbridge Academy will hold it's first annual A Taste of Spring event on April 6, 2024. This benefit will feature live music, an online auction, tastings from premier local restaurants, and a live appeal. We look forward to celebrating the culmination of God's incredible generosity through donors like you in the beautiful setting of the South Courtyard of Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville, MD.

  • We are the Rockbridge Scots! Read about the significance and meaning behind our mascot and meet Scottie, our official mascot. 

  • Rachel Wallen Oglesby (class of 2012) shares how much her classical Christian education foundation impacted her professional growth and continues to help her advance in public service even now. She serves as Chief of Policy to Governor Kristi Noem in South Dakota. Read HERE about three distinct ways her classical Christian education continues to have a lasting impact. 

  • Senior highlights! Get to know our class of 2023 a little better.

  • Did you know classical Christian start-up and transition schools are coming to learn from our teachers and administrators in March? Yes, we are hosting the ACCS east coast Auxilium in March and hope to encourage many teachers and administrators of start-up classical Christian schools! Learn more here.

  • Announcing the Rockbridge Academy Variety Show: The Seven Ages—A Lighthearted Look at Growing Up Rockbridge! 
    Click to learn more.

    Through song and dance, the Rockbridge Academy players will delight and entertain you as they bring a Rockbridge coming of age to life with tunes you already know and love. Indulge us with your company for “two hours’ traffic of our stage”!

  • 1st Place in MD Private School State Championship!

    Congratulations to the middle school girls cross country team for finishing in 1st place in the Maryland Private School State Championship meet. The boys finished strong in second! 

  • Our economics teacher, Amy Boswell, shares how economics from a Godly perspective can continue to foment hope and open doors for the Gospel. 

  • Join us for our Preview Night on Friday, January 20th at 7:00 PM.

  • Congratulations to Jane Farr and Holly Greenip (12th grade students). Jane was recently named a National Merit Semi-finalist and Holly was named to the commended list. Jane will continue on to the finalist competition. 

  • The Rockbridge Academy Veterans Day Ceremony, first held in 2008, arose from a desire to encourage the student body, offer a warm welcome to our neighbors, and honor veterans and active service members in the school and community.  

  • What makes classical Christian math different? 

  • Congratulations to senior Gabriel Crane for winning 1st place in the Congressional Art Contest in his district. His acrylic painting, Waiting for Winter, will hang in the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC for an entire year. 

  • What does a Library Grand Opening have to do with the founding of the school? Read the full article here. 

  • The Grand Tour. Seventeen days and eleven cities through Greece and Italy! Why those two countries? Why not visit England for an historical perspective? How does the Grand Tour differ from a a typical senior trip? As our capstone trip, Grand Tour enriches both our classical education and Christian relationships within each class. Read more about the why here as senior Jane Farr shares from her recent experience this past summer. 

  • Sydney Hudson (class of 2022) won first in the state and 10th nationally for her drawing In Your Honor in the VFW Young American Creative Patriot Art Contest. Congratulations! 

  • This past summer, Rockbridge Academy students and alumni served all over the world in churches, medical facilities, and camps sharing the love of Christ. Olivia Reardon (class of 2022) caught up with a few of them. Click here to read more about what they learned and how they grew. 

  • The right foundation is key to your children's education. Understanding they are loved by God and their teachers enables them to grow in the Lord as lifelong learners. Staff member Rachel Fix has had a unique perspective of kindergarten all year long from her desk located just outside their classroom doors. Get a glimpse into the kindergarten foundation at Rockbridge Academy, where teachers love God in front of their students and hands-on experiences make learning come alive. Zechariah 4:10 says, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."

    Read Rachel's post here. 

  • Nathan Daly (class of 2019) considers the question of why we pray? He remembers his weekly Thursday prayer times in Mr. Lawing's classroom during lunch as one of his best experiences at Rockbridge. He went on to write his senior thesis on prayer. Read his thoughts on why we pray here.

  • Congratulations to Nathan Kawecki for winning 2nd prize in the ACCS national art contest. Click above to see all past Rockbridge winners.

  • Student Athlete Commits to Gordon College

    Senior Lilia Bailey signed the papers on February 2, 2022, National Signing Day, to mark her commitment to play lacrosse at Gordon College. She has also been accepted as an A.J. Gordon Scholar, which provides a significant academic scholarship and allows her to create an individualized course of study. Read what her coaches and teammates share here. 

  • National Merit Commended Students

    Congratulations to Josh Phillips and Emma Williams (12th grade students) who were recently named National Merit Commended students. This recognition is given to only 3-4% of all high schoolers in the country. Along with Noelle McDowell who was named a Semi-finalist, we have 12.5% of our senior class being recognized by the NMSQT. The state of Maryland has the highest selection index scores in the country, making it the hardest state in which to achieve these recognitions. Congratulations students, and thanks be to God. 


    Congratulations to the Rockbridge varsity girls' soccer team, 2021 MISAL champions! Lead by team captains Lily Bailey, Jane Farr, and Trinity Jordan, the team finished as league co-champions and tournament champions! This marks the 3rd year in a row (2018, 2019, 2021) that our varsity girls have won the championship under Coach Becca Knoll and Coach Fiona Knoll. Go Scots! 

    Click here for more photos and individual all-team honors. 

  • What Are You Doing for the Rest of Your Life?

    When so many things press in on us, demanding our time and attention, sleep, or rest of any kind, can seem like the most expendable part of our schedule. But to deny ourselves rest, a break, and even sleep is to behave like children lacking wisdom, obedience and faith. 

    Melanie Kaiss (staff member and PE teacher) points us to reminders in the Word about how resting can be an act of faith in the midst of the busyness of life. Click here to read more. 

  • The Road to Full-time Ministry

    Our graduates take many roads beyond Rockbridge Academy as scientists, engineers, thespians, business owners, journalists, military officers, parents, financiers, musicians, educators, and more. Schuyler Kitchin (class of 2014) has taken the road of full-time ministry. He serves at Berklee College of Music in Boston through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Read about his journey to full-time ministry here.  

  • Dr. Christopher Perrin

    You're invited to our annual Community Symposium! Christopher Perrin, MDiv, PhD, is the CEO of Classical Academic Press, and a national leader, author, and speaker for the renewal of classical education. He will be speaking on: Recovering Restful Education: Bringing Schole to School.

    Join us on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM. 

    Click here to learn more. 

  • Family Worship

    How does your family engage in family worship? Honestly, it is a struggle for many, if not most, families. First of all, how does one even lead a family worship time? How do we carve out time for this? Is it really worth fighting for that time? Why do it? 

    Jay Mitchell, our former board chairman, shares how he persisted through the years with 8 children and now 12 grandchildren. 

    Read the full article here. 

  • Good-for-you Graded Discussions

    Why are graded discussions such a staple of the upper school curriculum at Rockbridge Academy? What are these somewhat scary exercises good for any way? What are the qualities of a good graded discussion? What have been some practical applications of graded discussions? Click here to read what some Rockbridge students have to say about graded discussions and how they have benefited from them.

  • Cross Country and Life Lessons

    Running is hard. Enduring pain, pushing through discomfort, persevering when you feel like giving up--experiences like these make cross country hard and yet so rewarding. Running is a metaphor for life, even as the writer of Hebrews mentions. Our middle school cross country coach, Emily Scheie, shares some of the life lessons she learned as a coach and why she loves cross country. Read her post here and be encouraged. 

  • Three Ways Rockbridge Changed My Life

    Chloe DuBois (class of 2021) reflects upon her Rockbridge education and how God use it to change her life. Her beautiful testimony of God's work of grace through her time here is a glimpse into how God can use our community, the education, and the encouragment in faith as integral ways to grow our students in their journeys and walk with Him. Read her article here and be encouraged.  

  • Congratulations Mrs. Touhey!

    Jacque Touhey, 3rd grade teacher at Rockbridge Academy, has been named one of two finalists for Anne Arundel County Independent School's Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Hollidge, grammar school principal shares, "Over the past 10 years, her support of her students and their families, serves as a role model to our faculty, and she grows in her craft as a teacher by continually learning her subject matter and developing her pedagogical practices." Congratulations Mrs. Touhey!

  • National Merit Semi-finalist

    Congratulations to 12th grade student Noelle McDowell for being named a National Merit Semi-finalist. Less than 1% of U.S. high school seniors earn this recognition which includes the highest-scoring PSAT entrants in each state. She will continue on in the competition to be named as a finalist which will be announced in February. Well done, Noelle! 

  • Uncertain Year, Unshakable Hope

    The class of 2021 endured a unique and difficult year through Covid as the last class to walk the halls of the Baldwin Campus. The Lord's grace enabled them to finish their rhetoric years with perseverance and a deepened trust in God. Noelle McDowell shares how they impacted our school through their hope in Christ in an uncertain year. 

    The 27 students garnered $4,588,872.00 in scholarship offers and were admitted into some of the most competitive colleges in America. Thanks be to God, and well done class of 2021! 

    Click here to read the full post. 

  • The Aroma of Christ in Athletics

    Tim Stewart, our athletics coordinator, writes about how our athletes identify with Christ and as such how that identity impacts the core of the program. "This distinction of being in union with Christ takes precendence over any other identifying factor...When Rockbridge athletes are committed, unified, and secure in their identity they will bring glory to the God who gave them the ability to play their sport." Read his full post here.

  • Swimming at Emory

    Sarah Daly (class of 2021) is featured as the Towne Athlete in the September issue of What's Up Magazine. Emory University Coach Howell says about Sarah: "She's a motivated swimmer who is an achiever. We have a whole team of those. I think she will fit in real well. She really wants to get better, and is excited about Emory academically. She is also drawn to the team environment. She wants to be part of something big." Read the full article here. 

  • U. S. Presidential Scholars Candidate

    Congratulations to Sean Fitch (12th grade student) who has been named a candidate in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program. Click here for a press release which was recently published in What's Up magazine. Congratulations, Sean, on this high honor. 

  • Of CHRIST and Core Values

    As we begin this new school year, Roy Griffith, headmaster, shares what our core values are as we acknowledge that our identity as a school flows from one person, Jesus Christ. We joyfully submit ourselves to His lordship, and gather each day around His preeminent authorship over all of life. Read the full article here. 

  • 5 Helpful Tips for Transitioning into K-6 Grammar School

    Transitioning into a new school environment, whether for the first time as a kindergartner or in the middle of your child's K-6 journey, can be challenging, even under the best circumstances. New friends, new routines, new uniforms, new everything. Read these helpful tips from our grammar school principal, Brooke Voelp.

    Be sure to mark your calendars for New Grammar Parent Orientation (August 26), Grammar Sneak a Peek (September 2), and Kindergarten Orientation (September 7). We can't wait to see you! 



  • The Story of Our Experiences Told Through Music

    "Cantare amantis est"~Only the one who loves sings~St. Augustine

    Natalie Watson (11th grade student) plays accompaniment for some of the musical pieces which will be performed on May 18th at the Fine Arts Showcase. She took some time to catch up with Mandy Ball, the director, and some student performers who share about what this retrospective performance is, how it came about, and what it means to them. Read more about this redeeming effort here. 

  • Not to Be Served But to Serve

    If you have ever been backstage during a drama production you know that there is a lot more that goes on than what the audience sees. The stage, lighting, makeup, and costume crews are all working tirelessly behind the scenes, but just because these people aren’t center stage doesn’t mean they aren’t vital to creating the magic that happens. The administration and support staff at Rockbridge Academy are like the stage crew at a drama: absolutely necessarily but hardly ever seen. 

    Olivia Reardon (11th grade student) caught up with some of the folks that serve behind the scenes to keep Rockbridge Academy running smoothly. Read her blog post here. 

  • Sharing God's Love

    “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) Jesus’ life and death were the perfect expression of that love. Our calling as Christians is to manifest that love to the world around us. Which brings us to Valentine’s Day.

     A couple of Rockbridge Academy parents wanted to show God’s love to residents of local nursing homes who have become isolated from family and friends due to COVID 19 restrictions. These restrictions have caused many residents to become lonely and depressed. Third grade mom, Christine Wojciechowski, wanted to do “something uplifting so [these] people would know they are not forgotten,” affirming that “God did not make us to be in isolation.” Christine provided decorative greeting card kits to each K-6 class for students to assemble and sign and/or write a short note to these elderly residents. Grammar School Principal, Denise Hollidge, saw the opportunity as a wonderful way to teach students about serving others and honoring their elders, all while practicing their penmanship and learning a little history. The Valentine cards included a lovely reprinted image of St. Valentine along with a brief history explaining why his name has become synonymous with love. Printed on the back of the insert is 1 Corinthians 13, often referred to as, “the love chapter.”

     Mrs. Wojciechowski, Mrs. Hollidge, and another Rockbridge mom, Meghan Lawson, will deliver the cards to two separate locations in time for Valentine’s Day. Mrs. Lawson sums the effort up well, explaining, “We can’t control a lot around us, but we can control how and when we [give] joy. God is love and that is what we can focus on.”

    By Melanie Kaiss, Rockbridge Academy Staff Member

  • STEM at Rockbridge Academy

    "Technology alone is not's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing." Steve Jobs

    At Rockbridge Academy, our strong science and math classes are supported and buoyed with the humanities classes integrated with a Christ-centered world view. Our students are trained in presentation skills from the youngest grades. The results have been made our hearts sing. Read more here. 

  • Why NOT Latin?

    Mel Lentz (class of 2008 and former Rockbridge Latin teacher) shares how most children in America grow up learning an instrument and playing a team sport, not because parents feel confident that their children will be professional musicians or athletes one day. The skills of teamwork, discipline, attention to detail, leadership, and even humble failure will not only give them greater success academically, but also socially and professionally as well. In the same way, Latin equips students with equally important skills, not to mention that it unlocks more depth and integration with their other areas of study.

    Read the full Blog here. 

  • Swimming for Emory University

    Congratulations to Sarah Daly who has signed on to swim for Emory University! Emory is a D-III school which has won the national championship for 10 consecutive years in a row.

    Journalism student, Riley Runge, shares Sarah's story and how she didn't actually enjoy swimming when she first started. Read more here. 

  • The Place of Theology

    At Rockbridge Academy, we teach Bible at every grade level. Why do we teach theology and what kind of place does it have within our Rockbridge curriculum? Dr. Seufert is our upper school theology teacher; read his full Blog post here about why we teach theology. 

  • The History of Oral Exams

    What is a midterm oral exam at Rockbridge Academy? Why do we have our students go through this process? Oral exams are a rite of passage for every rhetoric student. Olivia Reardon (11th grade student) did a little research into how the tradition of oral exams started.

    Read her Blog post here and learn about the history of oral exams and the fruit they bear.

  • My Brother's Keeper

    "Unity is the great need of the hour."  [King, 1955] What is the foundation of gospel unity? What is the foundation of racial equality? Johanna Smith, a member of the extended Rockbridge Academy community and wife of Stan Smith, appointed Rockbridge board member, shares some thoughts on lasting unity. She urges us to do three things. Read more here.   

  • At Rockbridge Academy, we take a deliberate approach to helping our students see Christ ruling over every thought, every subject, every historical moment. This is a responsibility that we don't take lightly and something we cannot do alone. By God's grace, the support of an all-Christian faculty who prays together each day for one another and for our students helps keep our eyes set on Christ. We acknowledge our dependence on Christ and make an effort to point our students to Him daily. 

  • Emma McLaughlin Signs with George Washington University

    Congratulations to Emma McLaughlin. She has signed on to play D-I lacrosse for George Washington University. Hannah Bumgarner, 9th grade journalism students, writes about Emma's love for the game and insights from her teammates. Read Hannah's article here. 

    Emma was also recently featured in What's Up Annapolis magazine as their Towne Athlete! Read her feature story here. 

  • A 300-Year Vision

    What do you have planned for 2321? Before you answer, make sure your mind hasn’t auto-corrected that number. The question is not, “What have you planned for the year 2021?”, but in fact, “What have you planned for the year 2321?”  

    Our vision to impact future generations through classical Christian education is much more long-term than just reaching the next generation. Learn more here about our long-term vision and the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).

  • 2nd Graders Say, "Thank you!"

    "Thank you, Veterans, for your service to our country! Go! Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard"

    Mrs. Leeman's 2nd grade students at Rockbridge Academy "got together" to say a collective "THANK YOU!"  Though we cannot gather for a Veterans Day ceremony as we have in the past, Rockbridge Academy continues to voice our gratitude! Thank you, veterans!

  • Adaptability to Overcome Disappointment

    This year's debate teams honed their adaptability and problem solving skills in a whole new way thanks to a last minute change of plans. While the Rockbridge debate team prepares to stand before their opponents and judges to present their arguments winsomely and persuasively, God trains them to trust in His perfect plan. 

    Read Olivia Reardon's blog post here. 

  • At the Heart of Teaching Bible

    Why do we teach Bible at Rockbridge Academy? How do we teach Bible in a way that makes a difference in students' lives. Hear from Mr. Northup who has been teaching Bible here at Rockbridge since 2005. Click here.

  • Mrs. Williams, Veteran and Teacher

    Mrs. Williams, a former Air Force pilot and now teacher, shares about her passion for God's Word and her joy in pointing students to the Lord. Chloe DuBois, 11th grade student, writes about the journey the Lord has taken Mrs. Williams on in the Air Force and now at Rockbridge. Read her full article here. 

  • Writing for High School SCOTUS

    Noelle McDowell (Class of 2022) has started writing for High School SCOTUS, a blog written by teenagers analyzing Supreme Court opinions, interviewing legal experts, and covering other major judicial happenings in our nation. In June, Noelle wrote an article analyzing the Supreme Court decision in June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo, which dealt with the legality of abortion facility restrictions. More recently, she interviewed U.S. Representative Andy Harris (serving Maryland's 1st District). In her interview, they discuss what it's like to be in Congress, the question of D.C. statehood, and some possible dangers to 1st Amendment rights that have been raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • An Unexpected Opportunity...

    Lauren Bailey (class of 2020) wasn't planning to run D-1 track and cross-country in college upon graduation, but God opened up some unexpected doors. Natalie Watson, 11th grade student and former running mate, writes about Lauren's road to running for Loyola University. Read the full article here.

  • BLOG: A Great (Mathematical) Adventure

    Math at Rockbridge Academy prepares students to embark on the adventure of studying math as a product of God’s character and creativity. Nathan Daly (class of 2019) describes his experience on this adventure. He currently studies computer science and math at Johns Hopkins University. Read his full Blog here. 

  • Interview with Ivanna Rhodes: Novelist

    By Olivia Reardon, 11th grade student

    Writing a story, editing a novel, and navigating the world of publishing are not simple, but Ivanna Rhodes, Rockbridge Academy sophomore, did it all. Read about Ivanna's journey to a published book here. 

  • Remembering 9/11

    On September 11th, 6th grade students lowereed the flag to half mast in remembrance of 9/11 and those who lost their lives that day. Homerooms spent time in prayer for our nation and those who lost loved ones. For 10th grade U.S. History class, students interviewed their parents with questions like: What do you remember about that day? How did it impact you and our country? What changed as a result of 9/11? Making these personal connections and hearing first accounts give students a greater appreciation and personal perspective. Thank you, first responders and those in military service. 

  • BLOG: The Motto Amid Trial

    "Taking every thought captive..." Emily Marsh, class of 2019, shares what our school motto means in the midst of a pandemic..."that the administrators, teachers, staff, and students practice dedicating their worries, joys, fears, and opinions in submission to the unchanging truth of God’s Word, no matter the trial, even a pandemic."  Read her full Blog here. 

  • BLOG: Building Rockbridge Relationships: 10 Tips for Transfer Students

    Two of our current students, Oliva Reardon (class of 2022) and Chloe Dubois (class of 2021) who both transitioned to Rockbridge in 10th grade, tell about their experiences as new students and share tips for incoming transfer students as they make their way into our community. Read more here...

  • Missed Our Live Information Session?

    The recording of our Live Virtual Information Session is now available! Missed the live webinar? No problem! 

    CLICK HERE to access our live recording. 

    We covered the top 11 most asked questions. Contact us at: so we can address any of your specific questions. 

    • How our school community has "come together" to support one another and pivot to an online system that has enabled each of our students to finish on track this year.
    • Ask questions about STEM
    • How tuition assistance has been re-tooled to make Rockbridge more accessible.
    • The academic results of classical education. This year our graduates will attend Princeton, William and Mary, and Johns Hopkins in the fall with additional acceptances to the University of Virginia, Auburn, Rensselaer, and Wheaton College, and more.
    • At the heart of all this is our Christ-centered approach; Christ is the foundation of all we do. To Him be glory. 

    Visit our Admissions Events page!

  • BLOG: Zachary Reardon Shares

    God really used what most teens would deem a set-back in their senior year to really open Zachary Reardon's eyes to the greater good and bigger picture that God had in store for him. Read the full story of how God used a torn ACL to show Zach His favor and grace. 

  • Leading by Example: The Class of 2020

    Olivia Reardon (class of 2022) shares some perspectives on how the class of 2020 has impacted her and other students. The senior class has led by example in the faith, their joy, and in the way they extended themselves, especially during the quarantine. Read her full article here. 

  • By the Lord's grace we had a successful transition to distance learning which enabled each of our students to finish on track for the school! Take a look at how we tackled the challenges to online learning and with some fun along the way.  

  • Summer Wonder

    Building a garden. Investigating creatures. Striving for gold at the "Olympics." For the first time, our summer camps are being held at our very own campus, where the campers started by helping build a garden and competing in their own Olympics. Read this Blog post featuring interviews with Mrs. Mackes, Mrs. Kaiss, and Claire Mackes to learn how summer wonder and classical education go hand-in-hand. 


  • Summer Reading Lists Are Here!

    Every year, Rockbridge Academy releases a summer book list for her students. This year, these lists seem more critical than ever. Emily Marsh, class of 2019 alumna, writes for our Blog on summer reading. 

    Read the full Blog and access the reading lists here. 

  • Mourning with Those Who Mourn

    A message from our Headmaster Roy Griffith to our community regarding recent events. 

    Dear Rockbridge Families,

    The past few months have been exceedingly challenging. The weight of a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and the re-imagining of “school” in an uncertain future felt heavy enough. But then we witnessed something weighty and tragic in a very different sense—the needless and unjust killing of a black man, George Floyd, at the hands of a white police officer. Such carelessness with life is unconscionable. But this tragic event—along with the killings of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor as well as the video recording of Amy Cooper in Central Park—has raised the issue of racial injustice in ways that cannot be ignored, and the ensuing protests and riots have left our nation’s communities in turmoil.   

    Continue reading here.

  • A feast for the eyes and ears, indeed! 

    Our first musical at our new Evergreen Campus was spectacular! Bravo to all the cast, crew, creative team, and many, many helpers who poured their time and hearts into making our inaugural show amazing! 

    Click here for details and more photos! 

  • National Merit Recognition

    Congratulations to Ben Ault, Alanna Craig, Jillian Schwartz, and Ryan McDowell who have been recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Program. Ryan McDowell has been named a semifinalist. 

    The NMSP recognizes the top 1-3% of the highest scorers in the nation for those who take the PSAT in their junior year. Most schools reflect the national percentage of 1-3% (at best). At Rockbridge Academy, these 4 out of 30 students in the graduating class reflect over 13%. Last year, nearly 17% of our graduates were recognized by the NMSP. Our average SAT score over 2017, 2018, and 2019 is 1312. 

    What makes a Rockbridge education so unique when we do not teach to the test? Come. Ask. Discover. 

    Our integrated, classical, Christian approach aims to graduate students who love Christ first and foremost and are equipped to move into their next steps (whether college or the workplace). Clearly they are well-equipped academically, a natural fruit of the classical method. To God be the glory. 

    Read more about our vision for our students, staff, parents, and community here. 

    Click here for our testing and scholarship summaries. 

  • A Charge to Laugh Well

    Pastor Unthank was asked to give the charge at the end-of-year Awards Assembly. Enjoy his exhortation to laugh.

    In Jesus Christ, our future is set—there is a glorious inheritance to be enjoyed, unending joy with Christ, laughing as we inevitably will be around the table and feast which Revelation calls the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. No matter how dark the world around us gets, no matter how interesting our era becomes, remember Christ and look forward to Christ and in him find true joy. Laugh well and laugh often!

    Continue to read here...

  • The 5th grade Colonial Ball is one of the most anticipated feasts of the year in the K-6 grammar years.

    Learning activities outside the classroom like feasts and field trips bring history to life. Our 5th graders get to sail the shores of the Chesapeake Bay on the Sultana and also participate in an overnight field trip to Colonial Williamsburg. 

    Read more about student life in Beyond the Classroom here

  • Celebrating 25 Years and a New Building!

    Rockbridge Academy celebrates our 25th year and the opening of our new campus at 680 Evergreen Road in Crownsville, MD. 

    What does an educational model from 500 hundred years ago have to do with a 1349 average SAT score today, an 18-day capstone trip through Greece and Italy, a 25-year anniversary, and new building?

    Find the answers here! 

    These are exciting times to visit and learn more about the classical Christian education model--one of the fastest growing movements among believers in the last 30 years. Rockbridge Academy is one of the oldest and most established classical Christian schools in the country.

  • The Woodbridge Classic

    Bringing Some Rockbridge to the Woodbridge

    by Natalie Watson, Rockbride Journalism Student and Cross Country Runner

    The Rockbridge varsity cross-country team traveled to Los Angeles, CA, from September 19-21 to run in the Woodbridge Classic, a nationally acclaimed annual meet with over 15,000 runners and 400 teams present. As the only MD team to participate in the history of the Woodbridge meet, the team witnessed beautiful running. When the 2018 varsity girls’ cross-country team won the small school division in the Maryland Private School State Championship last year, no one expected to wind up in California at a national invitational 10 months later.

    The article continues with more photos here! 

  • HomeComing and ComingHome

    Thanks be to God for a wonderful dedication weekend full of celebrations, great homecoming games, a festive pep rally, a tree planting ceremony, beautiful fall weather, and prayers for the next 10 years. 

    Great photos and more here. 

    Photo credit: John Daly